What is JobPod?

woman at table using laptop with JobPod information on wall monitor

JobPod facilitates easy and reliable access to job search resources for job seekers by merging community library spaces with existing workforce development services. JobPod enables community members across Wisconsin to access a full range of existing job services regardless of where they live.

JobPod was created by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, the Brown County Library, the Department of Workforce Development, and the Nicolet Federated Library System, which also operates JobPod. Please contact the Nicolet Federated Library System if you are interested in discussing the possibility of establishing a JobPod in your area.

Who’s providing services?

Services are provided by:

  • Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) – A state agency charged with building and strengthening Wisconsin’s workforce, DWD assists both job seekers and employers achieve sustainable employment outcomes.
  • Wisconsin Public Libraries – Dependable and reliable community institutions, public libraries provide access to information, resources, and accessible spaces for all library customers, including job seekers, to empower them to be their best.
  • Wisconsin Public Library Systems – Fifteen library systems exist in WI, each supporting public libraries in their area of the state through grant opportunities, education and training, and system initiatives to support library customers.
  • Wisconsin Workforce Development Boards – Eleven workforce development boards exist in WI, each addressing economic workforce issues by delivering job training and workforce development initiatives customized to their local area.

What services are available?

Everyone needs help sometimes. Get connected to the RIGHT resources for YOUR situation:

Job Seekers Services

Woman at laptop with chin on hand
  • Search for Jobs
  • Create application materials and applying for jobs
  • Explore careers
  • Explore workforce events in your area
  • Get connected to case managers to address each individual’s strengths and barriers to employment
  • Visit the Job Center of Wisconsin website

Library Services

woman on laptop in library
  • Access to computers and internet
  • Printing, copying, faxing, and scan-to-email services
  • Confidential meeting spaces
  • Expert library staff who can provide basic technology assistance
  • Expert library staff who can provide referrals to community resources
  • Job search resources
  • Employment Law or Employment Discrimination information
  • Language learning resources
  • Basic education and/or professional skill development resources
  • Click here for participating libraries

Digital Literacy Services

person using computer keyboard with cat's paw on arm
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